26 July 2012


I haven't really been taking many pictures lately. I went three whole days without taking one picture...and that's a lot for someone as addicted to Instagram as I am. I found this week that I wanted to take pictures of light, girly, lovely things as opposed to anything else. So that's what I looked for when taking pictures throughout my day. Girl power!

1. Ever since we got back from Legoland I've been looking for this...and no not the grapes, although they were a delicious nutritious snack. Maybe I'll do a series for little Lego Harry's adventures...who knows?
2. A bouquet that one of my kids made for me at work, they're so talented.
3. Kendall blowing me kisses across the table on our date night.
4. I'm currently in a love/hate relationship with my mousse. Does anyone have a kind that they like that leaves your curls luscious and delicious? I don't know about you, but that's what I want in a mousse..
5 & 6. Why did it take so long for us to get mason jars in our lives? I am appalled at myself.
7. Decorating with decorations from our wedding is such a good reminder of why we love each other.
8. Well played, fortune cookie, well played.

My friends planned a girl's night tonight, and I'm flippin excited to say the least! I'm definitely in need of girl time, even if it means husband is going to see The Dark Knight Rises tonight without me. Oh, the sacrifices we make...

Follow me on Instagram: Brittanylewwhoo

1 comment:

  1. These are cute! I Always just have pictures of my boys!!! Maybe I should try to get brave and venture out!!
