29 May 2012

Wedding Week (kinda) {Day 3}

Hola, bloggy friends!

We're finally back from our amazing honeymoon! Since my blog posts are all kerbobbled and out of order anyways, I'm currently debating in my brain whether to just show you my honeymoon pictures before I get both my bridal shots and my wedding photos.. Ok, you've convinced me.

For our honeymoon, we went to Akumal, a village just south of Cancun, Mexico.
Seriously, you guys, this place was the most amazing place of my life.
We ate, we snorkeled, we touristed.
Less talking, more picture overloading.

I hope you made it down here to the end of this post, it's easy to get lost in that jungle of pictures. These are just a few of the highlights of our trip. It was the most amazing experience of my life. Over the days, my hair got worse and my husband got more attractive with that amazing Spanish speaking. I miss it already. 
I can't wait to show off my amazing wedding pictures soon!

Until then, I'll be dreaming of this.


  1. How awesome!!! I'm jealous. That looks amazing!!

  2. We went to the same place for our honeymoon, same exact time last year. Such an incredible place. Glad you guys got to experience it. A trip of a life time for sure.

  3. What an amaaaaaazing honeymoon! I'd LOVE to go there someday!
    And you both look SO happy and so dang cute together :) I love seeing that you're married now!

  4. Congrats on getting married. Your honeymoon looks wonderful. I can't wait to be married and go on our honeymoon in a month!

  5. aww, all of these images are just so beautiful! what a great location to vacation too! congrats on your wedding!! :)
    xo TJ
