16 May 2011


I'm tired.
More on that later.

♥ Does it look like Sirius got attacked by my yard? Because I'm pretty sure he did. I spent about an hour picking all those little pricklies off him.
♥ Friday night, me and Katie didn't know what to do, so we decided to find a new shake place to try out. Udder Delights is handmade, straight from cows, delicious ice cream and I highly recommend it! I got Cinnamon Strudel. Mmm!
♥ Saturday, our good friend Dallas came home from college in Philly, so we celebrated by having a day on the lake. It was the most beautiful day, and made me remember to appreciate Arizona.
♥ Red Velvet Pazookie? I die. 
{From BJ's, for Krista's bachelorette party}
♥ We had a Scavenger Hunt for my good friend Krista's bachelorette party, and it was so fun! I can't believe she's getting married in less than a week. Ah!
♥ Couponing!

Short and sweet. Now I sleep.

1 comment:

  1. red velvet pizzookie sounds like the most amazing treat ever. As does a cinnamon streudel shake! Oh my.
