05 November 2012

The married thrift.

When I started reading blogs, I did not understand everyone's obsession with thrifting. I tried to fit in, bought a couple shirts at Goodwill, then gave up that dream of being a hip and happenin' blogger. But when I got married the thrifting switch was flicked in my brain, and now I can honestly say I'm a trendy blogger who refuses to pay full price for anything and would rather have something gently loved than quickly manufactured.

{sweater: Forever 21; shirt: Downeast Basics; jeans: AE}

All our living room furniture? Thrifted. All my new clothes? None more than 10 dollars. In my premarital days, I never would have shopped the sale rack at Fiesta Mall's Forever 21, but on Friday that's where I found myself. Kendall would say I'm becoming an extreme cheapskate, because he loves comparing our lives to his favorite show at the time. (Side note: have you seen that show?! Those people are crazy!) But I'll just say I'm thrifty, because it's cuter.

Is anyone else loving these sweaters over tied and collared shirts? I saw it on the mannequins at Forever 21 (can you tell it's my favorite store?) and wanted to buy every single outfit. But I didn't. Because I'm thrifty.

To all you married thrifters out there,
Go you!
and me.

03 November 2012

Saturday obsession.

Have you ever had one of those days that you needed? This Saturday is one of those days. Selah is here to play, Kendall is working on the yard, Sirius is sleeping at my feet, and I'm enjoying the cool weather and the relaxation from a drawn out week. And this beautiful voice, which is a typical obsession of mine in the autumn months, is serenading my lovely November Saturday. I want to live in this music video, it looks mystical and magical, as winter should be.

Oh happy Saturday.

01 November 2012

A goal.

As I sat contemplating the reasons that my favorite month has to leave me for another year, I realized something about months. I guess you could say this about weeks and days too, but for some reason months are a huge change in our lives. Months are when we pay bills, determine weather conditions, and count down to special events in our lives. Months seem to be the perfect time to start things -- weeks are too short and years are too long to truly commit to change.

A goal that I've struggled with for years is accepting my self-image. It's such a cliche thing for girls to be concerned about, but it is a serious issue for most of us and not something that I tend to take lightly. So, as my October came to a close, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be better for myself. To make a new me on this first day of November.

Goal: Love myself.